That one is gonna cost ya Dave. It was downright brilliant and completely accurate, but that’s gonna hit you in the checkbook real good. Fizdale probably already has a voicemail, text, and DM waiting for him from Adam Silver. Who knows with Silver and his alien powers he probably predicted that shit. Seriously, dude looks like an alien. Do I need to be hired by MIB? Not quite the same species as Sam Cassell but definitely the same solar system.
The worst part about handing out blanket fines to anyone who shits on the officials is that sometimes the officials actually did do an over the top terrible job. I don’t care how subjective someone’s job is, there has to be some form of accountability from a third party who’s directly affected by their performance and actions. In this case, the coaches or players.
Those numbers are daunting and are eerily similar to some suspect numbers under Tim Donaghey refereed games. I’m not suggesting that a fix is in, but I am requesting that when you referee a game so poorly it resembles that of a game that was indeed fixed, someone’s gotta take some fucking responsibility and that someone shouldn’t be the coach of the team that just got screwed.
Also btw, this is David Fizdales wife……wtf.