This is just peak Russell right here. Listen, it’s no secret that traveling is the holding of the NBA, it pretty much happens on every possession, but only the real obvious ones are getting that whistle into the mouth of the zebra’s on a consistent basis and this was as obvious as it gets. I’m counting definitely 6, maybeee 7 steps for Russ here. Regardless, the rule allows 2.
The best part (actually the worst) of this video is his reaction to the whole thing. He’s genuinely flabbergasted at what just occurred. Dude, you walked a 1/3 of the length of the court without taking a dribble, what part of this scenario is so troubling for you to wrap your head around? Would it kill an NBAer today to just make a mistake, hold his head high and claim one as my bad? Hopefully, this is a one time vacation for Russ’ basketball IQ. He did have an incredible Quadrouble double last night against his former PIC Kevin Durant though. Russ’ stat line : 27 pts, 13 A, 15 Reb anddddd 10 Turnovers…
no one fills that box score quite like you Russ.