Has there ever been a more fitting pairing than Mardi Gras and DeMarcus Cousins? Judging by the photos and videos from Fat Tuesday yesterday in New Orleans, I think clearly not. “Boogie and the Brow” (Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins) as they’ve been dubbed were the honorary Grand Masters on the Zulu. A fitting title since the trading of Boogie Cousins last week sparking a revitalization in the team’s fanbase.
Seriously though, how happy does Boogie look? He’s a whole new man. He is in his happy place. A full bottle of Henny in one hand, couple pairs of panties in the other. Does he know whose panties they are? Probably not. Does he care? Absolutely not. This is peak Boogie right here in every sense. He has always been care free and light hearted while off the court, similar to the vibe of New Orleans. Mardi Gras in general is a time to celebrate and let loose. And boy did Boogie need it. His life was stressful in Sacramento. The local media despised him and he didn’t get much help with national coverage either.
He looks like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He is in a place where showing love is the way of life on a day when that lifestyle is most celebrated. Enjoy it Boogie, you’ve sure earned it. Here’s to hoping you found the two owners of those panties and polished off that bottle of Henny and got your Boogie on.