Tiger Woods had lower right back fusion surgery Wednesday in hopes of alleviating the ongoing pain that has plagued him in recent years, effectively ending his 2017 golf season.
The 14-time major champion announced the surgery on his website Thursday.
“The surgery went well, and I’m optimistic this will relieve my back spasms and pain,” Woods, 41, said. “When healed, I look forward to getting back to a normal life, playing with my kids, competing in professional golf and living without the pain I have been battling so long.”
His agent, Mark Steinberg, described the procedure to ESPN as “something dramatically different than he’s done in the past.”
Steinberg said Woods consulted numerous specialists as back spasms continued to cause pain and discomfort.
“This is the best and only way to have a healthy, active lifestyle, be able to play with his kids, play golf and not be in pain,” Steinberg told ESPN. H/T ESPN
That’s it, it’s settled, Tiger Woods is the best “Honey Dicker” on planet earth. For the past 3-4 years its been Honey Dick after Honey Dick. He has these surgeries that are supposed to be the one to end it, we get a few tweets, videos and quotes of him swinging and playing and we Tiger stans get harder than a 16-year-old on a Friday night with Skinamax. Then two minutes into an ACTUAL round of golf his back commits suicide and he’s done for the year.
Well, what do ya know, here we fucking go again. This surgery basically ends his year. That means no more Tiger and no more chances for a major until 2018. Shit at this point I’d take a top 10 finish. Or just a finish at all. Now yes this is a setback, but I still refuse to believe Tiger is done. Nicklaus won at 46 and Tiger is and always has been way more physically gifted.
Yes, the back is something that’s tricky, particularly in golf. But were talking about the greatest golfer of all time. He was so dominant and so magical to watch at one point that even 50% of him probably can net him a few more wins. Freddy Couples is top ten at the Masters every year and that douche is just about 60. Real talk though, I met Freddy Couple’s as a kid and he was in fact a real douche to me and 3 or 4 other 10 year olds waiting for a simple autograph.
It’s depressing to see because I believe for the first time in a long time Tiger Woods actually has the desire to play golf and compete at the highest level possible. I’m just real tired of being Honey Dicked with rumors and Tiger’s bad back. The 2008 US Open win with a fractured leg and partially torn ACL to me is still one of the most incredible things in sports history and doesn’t get nearly enough praise.
You know Tiger, maybe if you hadn’t tried to become a Navy SEAL as a side gig we would be well into the 20’s on Majors. I know Tiger will never be the same. There will never someone as dominant as top tier Tiger. To say Tiger Woods will never win another tournament. Nah I’m not there yet, not even close. When that first win does come. It’s gonna set the world ablaze like its Augusta in 1997.
Yo Eldrick,