How far did that go?! Goodness, @Giancarlo818.#StantonSmash
— MLB (@MLB) March 27, 2018
Boy, can I not wait to see this happen 65 times this year. What a shot. Suprised the bat didn’t splinter right out of the box like the scene out of The Natural. Then again Stanton had about 30 of these no doubters last season. Which was him playing in one of the biggest parks in the league. Now this season moving to Yankee Stadium should only help that cause. Stanton’s adjusted homerun total from last season for Yankee Stadium was 71 homeruns. That’s ten more than the current single-season homerun record. TEN MORE. And yes the homerun record is still 61.
I wish one time we could just see one of these homeruns with no seats, wall, fences, streets, buildings or anything in the way. Just one time I wanna see exactly how far one of these bombs from Stanton or Judge actually ends up traveling.