Like we said, it’s not every day you get to turn down the girl of your dreams. It’s rare to even have a chance at the girl of your dreams. Joel shot his shot when he first got in the league and Rihanna, the star fucker bad bitch she is, turned him down. He wasn’t good enough yet. She doesn’t date rookies, Rihanna dates All-stars. She made that loud and clear. Well fast forward and Jojo is now indeed an All-Star. But Joel is about as genuine as a guy there is in the NBA.
Joel doesn’t forget. He knows and remembers those who were there from the start. There are no second chances in Embiid’s world. You think he was just going to let Rihanna come crawling back now that he’s seen all this success? Yeah sure Rihanna might have added a little extra motivation for Embiid to get that All-Star bid. It was simple, get the All-Star nom, bang Rihanna. The end goal of what he always wanted. That doesn’t matter anymore though.
Rihanna had her chance and Jojo has no time for her on his way up to the top. He doesn’t have time for bitches that settle for All-Stars. Joel EMbiid is after the girls that date MVP’s. The girls that go home with Hall of Famers. Rihanna set her sights a little too low on this one. Major misjudgment on the over/under here for her. She didn’t know at the time that she was setting her self up for a major facial a couple years down the line. Can’t say I feel bad for her. When you like someone you should like them for them, not their All-Star status.
Take notes ladies, no matter how much you think a guy may like you, we don’t forget and as soon as we get the slightest sniff of power, well sniff you right out of our lives after some disrespectful shit like that.
Good for you Jojo.
P.S. I’m still firmly team Riri over Beyonce and our girl gonna be just fine, but this definitely a lesson learned for women everywhere.