Terrell Owens has inducted himself into his own Hall of Fame with a personalized gold jacket.
Owens, still bitter about getting shut out of the HOF for the second year in a row, vowed to buy a gold jacket replica of the treasured apparel the inductees are presented at a dinner in Canton two days before the induction every August.One very well placed source – only clue: he is a HOF player – recently saw Owens in Los Angeles and reported to the Daily News that Owens had a shopping bag next to him when they got together.
What was in the bag? Owens told him it indeed was a custom made gold jacket. What made it so extra special?
“T.O. told me he had his career stats on the back of the jacket,” the HOFer told me. “Seriously.”
There was no indication if the stats were ironed on, embroidered or written in magic marker, but the source insisted Owens told him he indeed put his campaign numbers on the back. The source didn’t want Owens to take the jacket out of the bag because he just didn’t want to hear Owens going on and on about how he deserved to be in the Hall. He did give T.O. one bit of advice: Shut up. (Read Full Article On New York Daily News)
Terrell Owens was having absolutely none of that “Not getting voted into the Hall of Fame nonsense.” My Man did what he has done his whole career and taken matters into his own hands, regardless of other people’s opinions. The American dream at its finest.
TO got his own custom made gold Hall of Fame jacket. He even put his career stats on the back of it just as a little metaphorical cherry on top of his “I dominated the NFL every week” Sunday. The fact that TO wasn’t a first ballot Hall of Famer is absurd. The fact that he’s still not in, is in fact, laughable. He’s arguably (a very good argument) the third best receiver in NFL history. Even if he isn’t He’s still one of the all-time greats, I’ll be generous and give the haters top 10 at worst. You’re telling me a top 10 player at his position all time, isn’t a Hall of Famer? Shut up, idiot. The fact remains, and it is a fact, his on the field performance is worthy of a Canton issued limited edition gold jacket.
We know that on the field performance isn’t the issue, so then what is? Oh, that’s right, the personal stuff, the off the field stuff? All of those arrests and convictions for crimes he committed. All of that rude drunken behavior. All of those family issues. Wait, that’s right he didn’t do any of that, whatsoever. Didn’t even hear a rumor about any of those, for his entire career. A career where his, at times brash, yet always honest, mouth placed a target on his back throughout the league. So what exactly did he do off the field that was unforgivable?
At the end of the day, this boils down to the fact that the media and some other players and coaches aren’t fan’s of TO, on a personal level. They’re crying that he was mean to them in the locker room. I honestly don’t know why the media would hate TO, the guy was a walking headline everytime you put a microphone or camera within shouting distance of him. Were his words and actions always moral? Most would probably say no (I didn’t see anything wrong with them) but since when did the Hall of Fame get into the business of judging morality? And at an uneven rate? This is the Football Hall of Fame were talking about, no one is getting nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This isn’t a humanitarian or “courage” award. It’s the god damn NFL Hall of Fame.
Yes, I understand that TO didn’t always agree with coaches and teammates. And yes I understand that can have direct ties to on-field performance. But at the end of the day, you have to realize the difference between being malicious and being competitive. Sometimes the truth hurts. TO was an emotional guy, who said exactly what was on his mind, always. You need to show that a certain level of respect.
You’re not going to get along with everyone in the locker room. It’s not possible. Including coaches, you’re talking about close to 100 guys who are all alpha males, with the majority being in peak physical shape. There are going to be disagreements. Just the way she goes. For every guy that hates TO, there’s a guy that says they would take a bullet for him. We know Tony Romo would. You don’t just have your star ego-driven wide receiver cry on national television about how much he loves you and then think you can just get off not “owing him one.” Tony out of anyone better take that one to the bullet proof chest. Donovan Mcnabb? Yea how was that Super Bowl you played in? TO played with a broken leg in it. Was the best Eagle on the field the whole night. Granted their ending was a little rocky, but they achieved some level of success because of each other, not in spite of.
In the words of the great Sean Carter of Marcy Ave, Brooklyn, New York once said, “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t.” Stop with the prissy sandbox games and let the man in.
P.S. I want NEED Terrell Owens to get elected to the Hall of Fame and when he gets up to the Microphone, rip off his real Hall of Fame jacket and shirt only to reveal the custom one he just had made with all his stats on it, so all the guys standing on stage behind him can read them the wholeeeeeee speech. Talk about #BOOMROASTED